Newborn visit 3-5 days of age | - |
2 week visit within 3 days | - |
2 month visit within 1 week | Pentacel (Dtap, Hib, IPV), Hep B (if not already given in the hospital before discharge), Prevnar #1, Rotavirus #1 |
4 month visit within 2 weeks | Pentacel (Dtap, Hib, IPV), Prevnar #2, Rotavirus #2 |
6 month visit within 3 weeks | Pentacel (Dtap, Hib, IPV), Prevnar #3, Rotavirus #3 |
9 month visit within 3 weeks | Hep B |
12 month visit MUST be after 1 year birthday | MMR #1, Chickenpox #1, CBC** |
15 month visit within 3 weeks | Prevnar #4 |
18 month visit within 3 weeks | Pentacel (Dtap, Hib, IPV), Hepatitis A #1, Developmental Screen |
2 year visit within 2 months | Hepatitis A #2 |
30 month visit within 3 weeks | This visit is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Please check with your insurance provider for coverage information. Developmental Screen |
3 year visit within 2 months | - |
4 year visit MUST be after 4 year birthday | DTaP #5, IPV #4, MMR #2, Prevnar, Chickenpox #2, H & V |
5 year visit | H & V, UA |
6 year visit | H & V |
7 year visit | - |
8 year visit | H & V, CBC** |
9 year visit | - |
10 year visit | H & V |
11 year visit | Tdap, Meningococcal, HPV series |
Annually from 12-21 years old | No vaccines needed if immunizations current H & V (at 15 and 18 years), CBC** (at 13 years & menstruating females), UA (at 15 years) |